For companies with different Shopify storefronts for each geographic location, it's important to carefully consider how to set up your Brij account. Here are two main options:

Option 1: Use a Single Brij Account




Using a single Brij account is ideal for simplicity and ease of management. Connect your Brij account to your primary Shopify storefront (e.g., USA), and build separate experiences within this account for each geographic region or Shopify store. Create a dynamic link experience to route customers to region-specific Brij experiences based on their location.

This method streamlines management, as all experiences can share the same content. For instance, an "About" module created once can be applied to all experiences with a single click. All Brij experiences are managed centrally.

However, all data captured within this single Brij account will be sent to the connected Shopify store and/or a single CRM account (e.g., one Klaviyo account). If you need captured data to flow into different Shopify or Klaviyo accounts based on customer location, you will need to set up automations within Klaviyo to route data accordingly (e.g., send data from Germany experiences to the Germany Klaviyo CRM account).

Option 2: Create a Brij Account for Each Shopify Storefront




Having separate Brij accounts for each Shopify storefront allows for the most flexibility in passing captured data to region or storefront-specific accounts. Download the Brij Shopify App to each storefront individually. Create dynamic link experiences within one account that will route customers to experiences within the account corresponding to their location.

This method ensures captured data flows into the corresponding Shopify account and associated CRM for the customer's location. However, it adds complexity to experience creation and management. Each experience must be recreated within each account, and changes to a module in one account will not reflect in similar modules in other accounts.
