To ensure your images look great across various devices and load quickly, please follow these guidelines. Images are automatically displayed to take up the full height of the viewer’s screen, so certain parts of your image may be trimmed depending on the device’s aspect ratio.

Recommended Image Size

Quiet Space Recommendations

For the best viewing experience, include quiet space around the edges of your image. Quiet space is an area that should contain only background color, free of text or other essential design elements. This ensures important parts of your image aren’t cut off on various screens and keeps key visuals clear.

Frame 481919.png

Summary of Quiet Space Recommendations

Location Quiet Space (%) Purpose
Left & Right 10% each side Ensures no essential content is cut off.
Top 15% Provides space for the logo and menu.
Bottom 10% Prevents overlap with modal elements.

By following these guidelines, you’ll achieve a consistent and professional image display that loads quickly and adapts seamlessly across different devices.

Rebates Background Image Guidelines

Optimal Dimensions: Use a 720p image (720 x 1280 pixels) with an aspect ratio of 9:16 for a vertical orientation that looks great on modern mobile devices.

Digital Hub Background Image Guidelines

Optimal Dimensions: Use a 720p image (720 x 1280 pixels) with an aspect ratio of 9:16 for a vertical orientation that looks great on modern mobile devices.