When to Use International Routing in Brij

If you want to provide your customers with language-specific or country-specific Brij experiences based on their preference or geolocation, there are two potential options to consider:

Option 1: Use a Dynamic Link to Route International Customers to Unique Experiences for Each Country or Region

This option is ideal if you want to tailor experiences specifically for different countries or regions. It's particularly useful when:

Setting Up Unique Experiences

  1. Create a Parent-Level Experience: Set up a Webapp Experience and add any modules you want to show to all customers, regardless of location.

  2. Enable Language Translation: Ensure language translation is enabled on your account (note this is a premium feature and may not be available on all plans).

  3. Generate Variant Experiences: Create variant experiences underneath this parent experience for each country you want unique experiences for (e.g., Germany, France, USA, International).

  4. Configure Child Experiences: Customize each child experience with the country-specific modules of your choice.

    Screenshot of a geo-routing experience setup showing a parent dynamic link directing to four children experiences -  one for each region

    Screenshot of a geo-routing experience setup showing a parent dynamic link directing to four children experiences - one for each region

  5. Change to Dynamic Link Experience: Change the parent experience to a Dynamic Link experience and route customers to the correct experience based on their country (e.g., Germany to the Germany experience, France to the France experience).

    Screenshot showing the setup for a dynamic link using geolocation routing. This will be configured in the parent experience and will route to its children variants.

    Screenshot showing the setup for a dynamic link using geolocation routing. This will be configured in the parent experience and will route to its children variants.

Now, you can use the parent link or QR code, and all customers will automatically be routed to the correct country-specific child experience when they scan.

Option 2: Use a Single Experience with Language Translation Enabled

This method involves creating a single experience and enabling language translation, which will automatically translate text based on the browser language preferences of each customer. This option is simpler because:

However, this option provides less flexibility in offering unique designs or flows to customers in different countries.

Setting Up a Single Experience with Language Translation

  1. Create a Parent Experience: Set up a Webapp Experience and add any modules you want to show to all customers, regardless of location.
  2. Enable Language Translation: Ensure language translation is enabled on your account (note this is a premium feature and may not be available on all plans).

Now, when a customer accesses your experience, the text will automatically be translated based on their browser's language preference. Otherwise, the experience will be identical for every customer, regardless of their location or language preference.


Choose a dynamic link and unique variant experiences you need tailored experiences and precise control over translations. If you require less customization and want a simpler setup with automatic translations, opt for a single experience.

By understanding these two approaches, you can better decide how to leverage Brij to meet your international business needs.