What is Automatic Language Translation?

Automatic Language Translation is an advanced feature that translates all text within your Brij experiences to the preferred language of your customers. This feature needs to be activated by a Brij customer support specialist. Please contact Brij Support to enable this feature in your account. Automatic Language Translation includes two types: Static Text Translation (STT) and Dynamic Text Translation (DTT).

Static Text Translation (STT)

Static Text Translation, or STT, refers to the translation of all fixed text common to every Brij experience. This encompasses all non-customizable customer-facing text found in the Brij Admin Dashboard, such as field titles, placeholder text, and menu options. This text is pre-translated by Brij using advanced AI technology to ensure high accuracy.

Dynamic Text Translation (DTT)

Dynamic Text Translation, or DTT, deals with the translation of all customizable or "dynamic" text that you can modify. This includes text in module fields such as button calls-to-action (CTAs) and text within the content sections of modules accessed via the rich text editor. DTT employs Google Translate within the browser to translate this text in real-time with each page load.

Why you might want Automatic Language Translation

Automatic Language Translation is beneficial when creating experiences intended for multiple markets with different linguistic needs. For instance, you might have a single Brij account where all content is written in English, but needs to also serve customers in international markets. For example, experiences can be can automatically be translated into German when a German-speaking customer accesses the experience in Germany. It is also useful for accommodating different language preferences within the same market, such as translating an experience from English to Spanish to better serve Spanish-speaking customers in the United States.

How does Automatic Translation Work?

Automatic translation operates differently for STT and DTT:

For STT, the static text is automatically translated based on the language preference set in the customer’s browser. Thus, if an English-speaking user accesses a Brij experience while in Germany, they will still see all static text in English, even though the experience is designed for the German-speaking market.

For DTT, the dynamic text is translated only if the customer opts for translation within that particular experience. This selection is necessary because it utilizes Google Translate, which requires user interaction. To enable translation, the customer can choose their preferred language from within the hamburger menu. Once selected, all text on each page is translated in real-time as it loads.